Episode 17

Building environments for new ideas and emerging leadership

Generative leadership means pushing beyond the status quo and creating something new. It means building environments where new ideas, new confidence, and new leadership can emerge. It needs us to face the realities and complexities of the problems we’re here to tackle, and to engage with collective intelligence.

For this episode’s guest, Loughlin Hickey, effective leadership isn’t about intellectual prowess, but about being in service, building relationships, and navigating the tensions between tasks and relationships. By recognising and questioning our own assumptions and being curious about the assumptions of others, we can create a space for collaboration and co-creation, leading to long-term transformation and solutions to the challenges we face.


About the Podcast

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Generative Leaders

About your host

Profile picture for Julia Rebholz

Julia Rebholz

Julia has a vision for the people in workplaces to generate positive outcomes for all. Julia pursued an MBA, whilst delivering large-scale transformation at Centrica, a FTSE 100 energy company. There she led high profile M&A, transformation & Strategy activities such as the £2.2bn purchase of British Energy and a series of transactions and integrations in North America. Julia also created the first corporate energy impact fund Ignite, investing £10m over 10 years in social energy entrepreneurs that has now been scaled to £100m.

Following this Julia co-founded the Performance Purpose Group, was a Senior Advisor to the Blueprint for Better Business, and has advised the UK government on Mission Led Business and was part of the Cambridge Capitalism on the Edge lecture series.

Today Julia combines her sound business background with an understanding of the science behind the human mind to help leaders generate positive outcomes for society, future generations, and the environment. You can contact her at jr@insightprinciples.com